Club Information

Code of Ethics

FSS Safeguarding Policy

Data Protection


Photographs : – we aim to put up as many photos as possible of Field Spaniel Events, if you have any that you would like to submit for inclusion, please send them to webmaster and we will endeavour to put as many up as we can.  Also, if any of your dogs are on that you don’t like them please let us know and we will remove them.

Photographs with Show ResultsPhotographs of the principle winners are included with the Show Results (where such photographs are available). Please send in your photos to webmaster, please ensure the correct permission is available for the photographs before submitting.

Preferred photograph size is a maximum of 800 x 600 pixels. Larger photographs will be scaled down.


Membership of the Field Spaniel Society is by election, and there are single, double and junior memberships, and reduced fees for bona fide gamekeepers.

The Society now has a PayPal account ( [email protected] ). This will make it easier for our overseas members to pay their subscriptions. ALL payments MUST be made in UK Sterling.

Unfortunately due to PayPal’s Fee structure we cannot extend the PayPal service to our UK Members.

Overseas Members
UK Members EU Members Non EU Members
Single £13.00 £17.00 £21.00
Joint £15.00 £19.00 £23.00
Junior Members & Gamekeepers £2.50

As of January 2022 the bank will now be charging the Society for any cash or cheque transactions. Therefore we would ask members where possible to pay by standing order or by BACS.  Details can be obtained from the Treasurer or Secretary.

Membership Application Forms

Membership Application Forms can also be obtained from the Society Secretary on request.

Please send completed Membership Forms to the Secretary as they require signatures from the applicant and both the proposer and seconder.

Please Note

Acceptance of Subscription fee does not mean acceptance for Membership. Application for Membership shall be made on the appropriate form and proposed and seconded by fully paid-up Members of the Society and shall not be accepted until having received the approval of the next Annual General Meeting or Committee Meeting.

Subscription Rates apply from 1st January to 31st December.

Field Spaniel Society Breeders Charter

Officers and Committee 2024


Mr Malcolm Fowkes


Mrs J Holgate


Mrs Heather Weeks


Ms Gretel Osborn
21 Woodford Close
HP19 7FS

Tel: (07768) 170004

[email protected]


Mr Brian Jefferies
1 Hunters Ford
Walmer Bridge
Nr Preston

Tel: (01772) 611881

[email protected]


Ms Tammy James
1 Coleridge View

Tel: (01684) 305247

[email protected]


Michele Elliott (2027) [email protected]
Carol Moore (2027) [email protected]
Kathryn Trevor (2027) [email protected]
Leanne Moss (2025) [email protected] — Co-opted until AGM 2025
Michael Webber (2025) [email protected] — Co-opted until AGM 2025
Ina Morgan (2025) [email protected] — Co-opted until AGM 2025
Stella Woodhouse (2025) [email protected] — Co-opted until AGM 2025

Working Secretary


Rescue Supervisor

Michele Elliott

Tel: 07850 883543
[email protected]

Health Co-ordinator

Michele Elliott

Tel: 07850 883543
[email protected]


Show Results

Pedigree Database

When you register on the database you can change/update the dogs details. The change will be sent to the main administrator and the admin for the breed. They will check, approve and implement the change.

You can also enter the details of any dogs that you have bred.