Diary of Events


  • BVA Eye Testing March 22nd
    Brinsley Parish Hall, Cordy Lane, Brinsley, Nottingham. NG16 5BY
    Eye Testing with Paul McPherson
    Field Spaniel’s £44 Other Breeds £48
    Please email our Health Co-Ordinator Michele Elliott – [email protected] for a booking form
  • AGM Sunday 6th April
    Stoneleigh Village Hall
  • FSS Champ Show 15th June
    Judge Mr Jeff Horswell, KC Building Stoneleigh
  • FSS Open Show 3rd August
    Judge Ricky Lochs-Romans, as a new Partnership show with National Gundog Association, 3 Counties Showground, Malvern
  • Virtual Breed Appreciation Day (BAD) & MCE October 1st
    We are delighted to say we are hosting our First Virtual Breed Appreciation Day on 1st October 2025 with Breed Specialist Speaker Jeff Horswell.
    Candidates must note that if they wish to take the Multiple-Choice Examination, it is a KC requirement to fulfil all of the criteria listed below in relation to JEP Level 1.
    Contact Secretary Gretel Osborn – [email protected] for a booking form


  • January 1st Subscription due
  • January 31st Nominations for Officers & Committee
    To be received in writing proposed and seconded by fully paid up members.
  • April 7th AGM
    Stoneleigh Village Hall
  • June 16th Championship Show
    Judge Mr C Bexon
    The Kennel Club Building, Stoneleigh Park, Stoneleigh, Kenilworth. CV8 2LZ
  • September 22nd Open Show
    Judge Miss A Holtom

    Bearley Village Hall, Bearley, Stratford Upon Avon CV37 0SR
  • November 17th  2024 Breed Appreciation Day
    Bearley Village Hall, Bearley, Stratford Upon Avon CV37 0SR
    Important Note: This BAD has already been held.


Order the Field Spaniel Society 2025 Calendar

The Diaries and Calendars have arrived!!!

FSS Calendar 2025 – FSS Diary –  Yearbook
FSS Calendar – £8.50  –  FSS Diary – £10

Postage Costs to add on for either Diary/and/or Calendar:-

UK – £4.00
Europe, USA & Australia – Please contact Secretary Gretel Osborn for pricing.

If you purchase both Diary and Calendar, there is no difference in postage costs (done on large letter size rather than weight) – if you are ordering more than 1 each then please contact me with quantities and I can double check and let you know.

However, if you would like delivered to Champ Shows, then please let me know and we will be able to hopefully sort that.

Please be aware that there are only a few calendars remaining.

Year Book Adverts

This year the Year Book will be spiral bound to allow for easier reading.  All members are encouraged to place an advert as this book tells the history of the breed through the years, a copy is placed with the Library at the KC for records.  We would also love to have any news articles about anything that your Fields do, we all know about the show side, but please do update us on the other side of the Field Spaniel and write us a small article, including a picture if you have one, these are not charged so get your thinking caps on.

The Year Book Advert Page will be :-

  • £60 Double Page by 1st December
  • £40 Single Page by 1st December
  • £85 Double Page after 1st December
  • £50 Single Page after 1st December

The Field Spaniel Society Breed Appreciation Day

Sunday 17th November 2024
Bearley Village Hall , Snitterfield Road. Bearley CV37 0SR

The day will consist of an introduction to the Field Spaniel, going through the history of the breed along with the breed standard and explained in length to emphasis the points of the breed that really make the Field Spaniel what it is. We are pleased to have Jeff Horswell with us to give the Breed Standard Talk, Jeff has had Field Spaniels in the past and has made up 2 Show Champions in the breed as well as judging them at CC level here in the UK and abroad.

Read More

Official Recognition of KC DNA Health Tests

Breed Appreciation Day November 17th, 2024

Speaker: Jeff Horswell

Bearley Village Hall, Bearley, Stratford Upon Avon CV37 0SR

Booking Form: Click HERE

2023 Health Survey

For information follow the LINK

Field Spaniel Book of Champions 1994 – 2022

Orders are now being taken for the new Field Spaniel Book of Champions, which will be available from mid February. They can either be collected at a show or posted out. The cost of the Book will be £12 plus P & P if required.

Below is the order form, we would ask that all orders be prepaid.

WORD       PDF

Breed Standard Amendment

KC Amendments to Breed Standards (KC Journal April 2023)

At its recent meeting the Board approved the following amendment to the wording of the Breed Standards introductory clause:

‘…However if a dog possesses a feature,characteristic or colour described as undesirable or highly undesirable, it is strongly recommended that it must not be rewarded in the show ring.’
(Amendments underlined, deletions struck through)

Spaniel (Field)

Colour Black, black and tan, blue roan, blue roan and tan, liver, liver and tan, liver roan, liver roan and tan. In solid-coloured dogs, white or roan on chest is permissible.

All other colours, including clear black and white,clear liver and white, orange, red, golden or sable highly undesirable.
(Amendment underlined)

Members now have access to a Field Spaniel Pedigree Database

Click on the link to visit: https://www.fleckenbase.de/db1/index.php?breed=FIS

When you register on the database you can change/update the dogs details.  The change will be sent to the main administrator and the admin for the breed. They will check, approve and implement the change.

You can also enter the details of any dogs that you have bred.

Please view our Safeguarding Policy

PDF Version

Please view our General Data Protection Regulation Privacy Notice

PDF Version
Word Version