Welcome to the Field Spaniel Society
The Field Spaniel Society is affiliated to: The Kennel Club and the United Spaniel Association and has no connections with any other organisations.
The Field Spaniel Society was founded in 1923 with a view to running Field Trials as much of the interest in the breed in those days was as a working dog. Unfortunately membership of the Society was low right up until the mid-seventies when renewed interest in the breed encouraged more new members to the point where we are now around 250 members.
The Field Spaniel Society has the sole purpose of managing all the affairs of the Breed through various events. We organise seminars to educate both members and non-members alike on the Breed, working events, and stage one Championship Show and Open Show each year. We also prepare and publish a list of judges acceptable to the Society. The Health sub-committee was formed to monitor and educate on the well-being of the Field Spaniel.
There are many ways of imparting information to our members. Each year the Society publish a Yearbook, some time ago it was decided at an AGM to have a Newsletter a year which is dispatched in email form where possible. We will monitor this and listen to any requests from our members. There are breed notes in “Our Dogs” weekly paper written by two different members, so please do let them know any wins or highlights about your dog’s successes.
Apart from all of this one of the quickest ways by we keep the membership, and all Field Spaniel owners updated with information is through this the Society’s Web Site & our Facebook Page. The Facebook Page is where Field Spaniel enthusiasts can post pictures and have informal chats and Club announcements are made on there as well as in the Dog Paper and the Web Site.
We are mindful that not everyone is on the Internet, emails obviously save the Society money on postage and the environment on paper so these are our preferred communication method, however, members can request paper copies to be sent out. AGM Voting Papers and Year Books will still remain as posted items to all paid up members.
We hope you find the web site easy to navigate with all the information you require to learn about the breed, the club and its activities. If you have any suggestions for improvement or topics you would like to see included, feel free to email the FSS Webmaster.